Monday, November 3, 2008

Our Choice

Tonight, the United States stands on the brink of history.
Whom do we choose? Obama or McCain?
Impassioned arguments have been made for either man, both for or against, over the last year. Some of these arguments rank at the height of what is possible from a literary point of view; others sink like a stone to the regrettable depths of hate and blame and fear.
Which is what I would like to bring up tonight-fear.
Do we choose fear or courage?
Do we choose to fall back or move forward?
Recently I saw a commercial for pod cars and other mass transit ideas that was made in the 1970s. Coincidentally, I saw the tape of the old commercial at the same time I read an article about pod cars being reconsidered for mass transit use. Again. More than 30 years after the 1970s commercial.
For too long, this country has not had a forward looking view of the future. After carefully following the Obama campaign for some time, I am convinced that Obama will address the need to reevaluate mass transit in this country and invest in solutions that have long been deferred.
The need to address mass transit issues in this country has long been shelved in favor of investing in more highways and encouraging more car ownership. But the financial meltdown of the last month has finally brought into question issues which have too long remained on the back burner, one of which has been the future of mass transit in this country. One of the challenges now is how to grow the existing mass transit infrastructure while the economy is in a downturn. It is my belief that Obama is best suited to address this concern, and many others, for the future of this country. It is my prayer that he is elected by my fellow citizens to serve and lead the country forward, beyond fear, to a fuller realization of this country's vast potential.

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