Sunday, June 6, 2010


Greetings. It has been over a year since I have posted to this blog. My alibi is that I have had a very rich and full life of self-transcendence & business activities that has kept me away. Going forward I plan on posting far more regularly.

As yesterday was the 44th anniversary of my downloading into this earthly life(for which I am very grateful) I am moved again to restate my purpose for being here. For me, the whole thing is about God-Realization. Since the early 1980s, I have pursued this goal as my number #1 priority.

As I notice the Divine Presence more and more and become less and less involved in the chatter of a presumed independent existence I find myself grateful that I can accept the truth. This process requires everything that I can give it. I cannot live an unexamined life, and very often the truth hurts. More changes are coming, I'm sure, as I seek to relieve myself of people and situations who seem to thrive on inciting unnecessary frustrations in this person.

As always, I seek the Divine Presence.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Phising "Invites": Please Stop!

I'm a spiritual businessman who spends most of my time in front of a PC developing websites for a living. Unfortunately I am the recipient through social "networking" organizations of "invites" to meet women on the Internet who are young enough in many cases to be my daughters(I'm 40-something...).
This may be a cry of desperation into the wilderness, but for Heaven's Sake, PLEASE STOP!!!
NONE of these women would even give this person a second glance...honestly, they would not at all be interested in this human individual, who has practised meditation­ and prayer for longer than many of them have been alive. If they were interested at all. The scammers/con-artists­ keep phishing and God knows what else on a 24-7 basis. Do you mean to tell me that the kind of women who ignored me in college are now suddenly going to fall over backwards coming running to shower me with love??? Forget it. Not going to happen.
There. I said it. I feel better now.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Perfectly Still

Monday during meditation awareness completely withdrew from the din of this world of thought and word and deed and became perfectly still. The hallucinated state of "I" awareness was perceived for what it was, a contraction and an action arising in Consciousness. If "I" am not this life-entity and all of the presumptions inherent in that, then the true matter of Awareness becomes apparent. If no one is present to observe the localized pattern of mind or memory, do they exist? I am perfectly willing to be permanently released from the hallucination of seperate "I" into the Ocean of Divine Being. Let it come quickly!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Embodied Spirit

These days a shift in my awareness has begun to take firm root. Many people perceive themselves as having "spiritual" experiences while in a human body/mind. For me, the opposite is the case: I am embodied spirit having the human body/mind experience. The essence of who I am will never be "in" a body/mind anywhere. In order to interface with this reality, I am obliged to assume the robes of human experience, which is always imperfect and subject to suffering. The point of view of embodied spirit does not make me special. However, it does give me an insight, and a clarity, from which I can proceed in the encounter with embodied experience. It frees me from a misunderstand­ing which has fueled countless religious illusions of man over the centuries. For this I am very, very grateful.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Closure and Mental Self-Responsibility

Yesterday was 12/5/2008, a year after the deadly outburst of gunfire at the Westroads Von Maur store in Omaha. Interestingly, news reports--as I feared--are now mentioning "closure" in this anniversary of so much sensless death and injury.
Closure is a media catchphrase that does not correlate in any real way to reality as we know it. One cannot help but continue to be deeply impacted by this tragic series of events--if we are human beings, not humanoids.
The only sure way for any individual to personally overcome the monsters of the id that were unleashed that terrible day is the spiritual process. We learn mental self-responsibility through years of self-transformative work. Paradoxically, the process which leads an individual into the shining light of spiritual sanity is NOT encouraged by the local media--which is regrettable. Mental self-responsibility should be the #1 take away lesson from this terrible incident.

Monday, November 17, 2008


The 30th Anniversary of the Jim Jones Mass Suicide in Guyana was last week. I remember the initial reports of the tragedy. How could more than 900 people choose death?
It is possible. Charismatic people are seductive. Combine that with an ability to connect with any audience and a distorted ego-driven mysticism and you have a recipe for tragedy.
I have encountered several charismatic spiritual leaders over the last 25 years on the path.
Getting an audience is sometimes the most important priority for these personalities. Fortunately, Truth does not need a following.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Tremendous Relief

At 10pm Central Time Tuesday November 4th my wife and I shared the joy of countless millions worldwide as Barack Obama was elected President of the United States.
The news flashed over ABC-TV which I was watching at the time; I immediately went to KIOS-FM for confirmation and indeed the voice of KIOS host and announcer Mike Jacobs assured me that it was official.
It is a tremendous relief. Those of us who have followed the national political scene since the 1970s know full well the opportunities for positive change that could have been taken years ago; but were not. National Geographic magazines in my possession dating back to the 1970s describe then innovative forays into wind and solar power that were marginalized for decades. In an earlier post I described seeing a commercial from the 1970s that discussed the possibility of using pod cars and other innovative forms of mass transit as a solution to unclog the roads.
The need for alternative sources of energy and improved mass transit is readily apparent. Ideas such as these will likely inspire action by Obama and his adminstration. That is what gives me hope.