Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Phising "Invites": Please Stop!

I'm a spiritual businessman who spends most of my time in front of a PC developing websites for a living. Unfortunately I am the recipient through social "networking" organizations of "invites" to meet women on the Internet who are young enough in many cases to be my daughters(I'm 40-something...).
This may be a cry of desperation into the wilderness, but for Heaven's Sake, PLEASE STOP!!!
NONE of these women would even give this person a second glance...honestly, they would not at all be interested in this human individual, who has practised meditation­ and prayer for longer than many of them have been alive. If they were interested at all. The scammers/con-artists­ keep phishing and God knows what else on a 24-7 basis. Do you mean to tell me that the kind of women who ignored me in college are now suddenly going to fall over backwards coming running to shower me with love??? Forget it. Not going to happen.
There. I said it. I feel better now.

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